


在一个学期的第一个星期内, a student may drop classes via the student portal without having to obtain the signature of a faculty member. No grade of W will appear on the student’s transcript as a result of dropping classes during this week, 这些课程将被作为“从未参加过”的课程取消."

In the event that a student wishes to withdraw from a course or courses or from the university altogether, 以下条件适用于费用的退还.

  • Any student who withdraws from the university prior to the start of the second week of a term is eligible for a refund of charges for that term except the initial enrollment fee, book vouchers, books, 以及其他课程材料. 住宿费将按比例退还.
  • Any student who withdraws from all of his or her courses after the start of the second week of the term is eligible for a refund of the tuition charges (including course-overload charges) for those courses, 根据下面的时间表.


提款时间 Tuition Refund
到学期第一周(周日晚11:59).m. CST, Week 1) 100%
在学期的第二周(周日晚上11:59).m. CST, Week 2) 75%
在学期的第三周(周日晚上11:59).m. CST, Week 3) 50%
在学期的第四周(周日晚上11:59之前).m. CST, Week 4) 25%
学期第四周之后 No refund


提款时间 Tuition Refund
到学期第一周(周日晚11:59).m. CST, Week 1) 100%
在学期的第二周(周日晚上11:59).m. CST, Week 2) 50%
在学期的第三周(周日晚上11:59).m. CST, Week 3) 25%
开学第三周之后 No refund


提款时间 Tuition Refund
到学期第一周(周日晚11:59).m. CST, Week 1) 100%
在学期的第二周(周日晚上11:59).m. CST, Week 2) 75%
在学期的第三周(周日晚上11:59).m. CST, Week 3) 50%
在学期的第四周(周日晚上11:59之前).m. CST, Week 4) 25%
学期第四周之后 No refund

夏季课程退款 & 六周课程

提款时间 Tuition Refund
到学期第一周(周日晚11:59).m. CST, Week 1) 100%
在学期的第二周(周日晚上11:59).m. CST, Week 2) 50%
学期第二周之后 No refund
  • Any part-time semester student (enrolled in 11 or fewer credit hours) who withdraws from one or more courses after a term has begun is eligible for a refund of the tuition charges for those courses according to the schedule in the table above.
  • Full-time undergraduate semester students (enrolled in 12 to 18 credit hours) whose full-time academic status is not affected by the withdrawal from a course or courses they have already attended are not eligible for any refund of tuition for the withdrawal from those courses.
  • 全日制本科传统学生(注册12- 18学时), who withdraw from a class or classes after the first week of school and then replaces the withdrawn courses with any additional courses, will not incur additional tuition charges as long as enrollment does not exceed 18 credit hours.
  • 注册课程超过18个学分的传统本科生, 会按“每小时”收费吗.  If a withdrawal is processed and there are courses that incurred a “per hourly” rate, 然后,只有这些时间将根据上述时间表进行调整.
  • Any student wishing to completely withdraw from 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 after week one of classes should submit a completed withdrawal form, signed by the student’s advisor or the Student and Academic Support Office (SASS) to the Office of Academic Services.


(1) Calculations of the return of Title IV aid for withdrawals occurring during the first two weeks of a term will be based on the last date of attendance for the term in which the student withdraws. Students who initiate a withdrawal from the university after the first two weeks of the term will be eligible for a refund of Title IV aid based on the date that the withdrawal form was submitted to Academic Services. A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60 percent point of the term will not be entitled to a return of Title IV aid.

(2) Any student who earns the grade of AF in all coursework within a term will be considered unofficially withdrawn for that term and will be subject to a Title IV refund calculation. 基于这个计算, a portion of Title IV aid may be unearned and required to be returned to the appropriate agency.

(3)一旦提交住房合同并分配住房, 学生在法律上负责所有的食宿费用. If a student voluntarily withdraws from classes or if a student is dismissed from University for any reason, 包括违反任何学校政策, 学生将无权获得任何退款.

VA 9/11后GI法案®撤回计算:

2021年1月5日,总统签署了 约翰尼·艾萨克森和大卫·P. Roe, M.D. 2020年退伍军人医疗保健和福利改善法案 into law (公法116-315). The new law requires schools and training providers to be financially responsible, 而不是学生, 直接支付给教育机构的福利. This applies to tuition and fee payments and Yellow Ribbon program payments under the Post-9/11 GI Bill® (including under the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship), 并根据各种《澳门威尼斯人平台官网》®项目提前支付福利.

但是,根据第116-315号公法第1019条, VA不会向你收取这些债务. 相反,退伍军人事务部将从你的学校收取这些款项. In turn, your school may require you to pay any outstanding balance for tuition and other charges or penalties and may contact you regarding this debt.* 重要的是你要和你的学校一起解决这个问题.

* Note: Once tuition amount is determined by the VA the school will communicate what is due. 因此,有了这个变化, 退伍军人管理局现在让学校和学生对所欠的债务负责.


澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学, we understand that circumstances may arise which require students to seek an appeal for their tuition. We have established a Tuition Appeal Policy to carefully review and consider such requests. It's important to note that appeals must meet specific requirements to be considered for reimbursement.

不考虑连续学期的申诉. 如果你在这个学期获得了经济资助,你就会提出上诉, 提交上诉可能会影响你的经济援助并导致余额. 在继续之前与学生财务服务部讨论这些影响.

Recipients of Veteran's Benefits should consult with certifying officials before initiating an appeal.

上诉的正当理由包括重大疾病或受伤, 家庭成员死亡, 或者无法预见的工作或日程变化.

由于政策误解等原因,上诉不予批准, 对教师的不满, 或者判断上的个人错误.

将填妥的申诉表格及所需文件电邮至 businessofficeappeals@cnydh.net.

上诉不能免除账户的收款或处罚. 给你30-60天的时间来处理你的上诉. 所有委员会的决定都是最终决定.


在退款金额被计算出来之后, the 学生财务服务 Office will determine the Title IV refund amounts according to the calculation schedule approved by the U.S. 教育部. Refunds to specific Title IV programs will be made to the following programs in the order outlined:

  1. Outstanding balances on FFEL Program Loans (Unsubsidized Stafford, Subsidized Stafford)
  2. PLUS
  3. 联邦佩尔助学金
  4. 联邦SEOG奖励
  5. 其他第四章学生资助
  6. 其他联邦、州、私人或机构援助
  7. The student

No Title IV program may receive a portion of the federal refund amount if that program was not part of the student’s original package.


When a student officially or unofficially withdraws from school and has received a cash disbursement for educational expenses that exceeds non-institutional costs of education up to that time, the student owes the excess amount to the Title IV program(s) that helped meet the student’s educational costs. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 will follow the same procedures used in the refund policy to determine which Title IV program(s) will receive the student-owed repayment. 大学将通知, bill, 并向学生收取第四章计划所欠的金额.